Licensed Massage Therapist, and 2 years in the business.
American College Massage School (ACMS) started cerifiying massage therapist in 1998, and now has over 140 graduating classes, and has performed over 200,000 massages in its student clinic. ACMS continues to be the leader in massage therapy education. ACMS has premium education, because of the small class sizes, 8-10 students. This teamed with a faculty that has many years of service and experience. When you finish the Medical Massage course you can take the National Exam. We are 10% above the National Level.
Students learn anatomy, physiology, and pathology as it pertains to massage. They will learn about sanitation, benefits, universal precautions, body mechanics, history, client data and documentation, professional standards, therapeutic communications, contraindications, and other modalities. The hands-on learning teaches correct massage techniques through practicing on other studetns and taking massage clients via clinic.
By orientation day.