All faculty members must have an active RN or LPN license. The program director must be an RN and have attended the train the trainer program.
Program Director Tina Baxter, GNP-BC
Clinical Instructor
Suggested Prerequisites: HS diploma or GED
Contact Hours: (30 state required) hours classroom
(75 state required) Clinical/lab hours
Course Description: This course is designed using the Indiana State Board of Health approved curriculum. After successful completion of the course, each participant will be eligible to take the state nursing assistant certification exam and will be eligible in a long-term care setting. After working as a Certified Nursing Assistant for ninety days, the student has the opportunity to become a Home Health Aide. Additional course hours include resume building workshop, job application skills, and mock interviewing skills to further enhance student’s education and to build for a successful career in the health field.
Although, a high school diploma/GED is suggested, it is not required to be a nursing assistant.
Application deadlines vary. Each cohort/class moves together.